Improved TSDF Calculator
The Improved TSDF Calculator (ITC) imports Network Designs and automatically displays TSDF calculations for the Network, Voice, Relay, Stacked Net, and each Initialization Data Set. Users select ID Sets, the number of nets for each Stacked-Net NPG, relay participants, etc., allowing the operator to quickly generate the most accurate TSDF calculation possible. ITC has been integrated into the Advanced Link Planning System (ALPS).
Frequency Clearance Agreement Interface
The Frequency Clearance Agreement Interface (FCAI) stores the FCAs of all Link 16 nations enabling users to determine if the planned network usage complies with an FCA. The FCAI supports the determination of cross-border coordination issues by allowing users to evaluate multiple FCAs simultaneously.
FCA Conformance Checker
The FCA Conformance Checker succinctly lists the network parameters and platforms that do not comply with each selected FCA, allowing users to quickly determine the most appropriate network or network configuration for an exercise or operation.
Area TSDF Calculator
The Area TSDF Calculator function enables users to assign participants to predefined areas and instantly view the area and maximum participant TSDF for more than a dozen areas simultaneously.